Visit other wildlife destinations in the winter and the animals might be sleeping away the cooler weather in cozy caves and dens. And while some wish they could follow suit with a delightful winter nap, it would be missed opportunity to sleep away one of the most thrilling seasons in the Rapid City area.
Many can't bear to miss out on the action winter recreation brings to the area. From snowmobiling to snowshoeing - the seasonal transformation gives so many new excuses to explore, including some unique wildlife viewing! Rather than hide away in preparation for the spring, these critters enjoy the winter weather. Here are a few unique winter activities to enjoy in our area and wildlife you can potentially see while you’re out and about.
Wildlife Loop Road in Custer State Park
If it’s cold, why leave the car? Thrilling exploration can still be had without turning off the heated seats when you drive Wild Life Loop Road in Custer State Park. During the winter months bison flock to the road to enjoy a tasty treat of - road salt. Yum, right? Traffic can come to a standstill as these mighty beasts lick the salt and condensation from the side of the road and up onto your vehicle. There's really nothing like looking eye to eye with a bison through your vehicle window.
Mount Rushmore National Memorial
Man-made Mount Rushmore might not seem like a place you'll encounter Black Hills wildlife, but as these four stay out to enjoy the winter views - so do some exciting wildlife like Mountain Goats. Easily camouflaged along the snow-covered hillside, you might spot them on your way to and from the memorial enjoying the beautiful forest of the area. An added bonus is that the crowds visiting Mount Rushmore during the winter months are often extremely low, in fact, there's a chance you may have the memorial to yourself during a visit.
Fun Fact: Mountain Goats are not native to this area, they are actually escapees from a zoo inside Custer State Park that was open in the 1920s.
Badlands National Park
Winter in Badlands National Park takes on a drastic tranformation compared to other seasons. It's ruggaged appearance can be breathtaking when covered in a soft blanket of snow, and the already stunning sunrises and sunsets are amplified when winter hits. This underrated park is filled with animals who love to play and scale it's rocky, snowcovered buttes. Bighorn sheep and mule deer can be spotted all over the formations.
These are just three great places to visit during a winter vacation to our region - but their just the tip of the iceberg to the fun that can be uncovered .Find more winter activities in the related content below or sign up for our monthly travel tips newsletter and we'll send great suggestions straight to you.
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